8 suggestions to help you navigate the day safely

1. When at the beach, place your flip-flops facing down.

At the beach or by the pool, it is preferable to take off your sandals to avoid burning your feet when re-putting them on since the sun may heat them up. They become more pleasant to wear after being turned upside down since doing so stops them from collecting too much heat from the sun.

2. Before applying a Band-Aid, cut it.

The fingertip should first be cleaned and dried. After that, disassemble the outer box and remove the bandage, leaving the plastic strips covering the dressing's adhesive intact.

Each sticky end should have a slit cut through the middle in the lengthwise direction. Next, cover your fingernail with the thin portion at the top of the sticky end. Do the same on the opposite side of the bandage so that the top strips form an "X" across your fingernail.

3. Use an ironing board to shield your back from injury.

You can use an ironing board as a backrest to prevent injury if you need to quickly perform some repairs while resting on your back.

4. A method for removing shoelaces

The pointed edges of safety pins make them excellent for cutting through knots. Open the safety pins, and then on either side of the knot, feed the ends through the center of each string. Typically, at this point, you would use your fingers to pull the strings apart. Close the safety pins, then take them out and move them around until the knot is released. With your fingertips, you may complete the untying.

5. Make use of ATMs during the day.

You never know who could be keeping an eye on you when you use an ATM or wait to rob you. Due to the likelihood of other people being present during the day and the increased safety in an emergency, it is always advised to use the ATM during the day rather than at night.

6. Guidelines for using a backpack in public

You've probably heard of a bag being stolen while the victim was in line at a public location. The easiest technique to protect your luggage or backpack from thieves and pickpockets is to keep it over the front of your body.

7.  When you need to get out of the automobile, turn the steering wheel.

The dashboard and steering wheel are exposed to direct sunlight when you park your automobile in the sun. The dashboard and steering wheel may sustain damage as a result. The heat might even cause them to crack and lose their sheen. To avoid too much sun exposure, it is advisable to flip the steering wheel upside down.

8. Use a crossbody bag to prevent your purse from being stolen.

People carrying loose bags, shoulder bags, or those who don't hold their purses in their hands the entire time are more likely to be targeted by thieves. Wearing a crossbody purse, which is trickier to remove, will help you avoid all of this. Just remember to keep one hand on the bag at all times. Make careful to cross your body when carrying your luggage over the front.
